hey i was wondering if anyone knows how to make a 3d image in flash
and second of all how to make it rotate and stuff
(please dont give me alink to actionscript.org one, its too hard to understand…)
hey i was wondering if anyone knows how to make a 3d image in flash
and second of all how to make it rotate and stuff
(please dont give me alink to actionscript.org one, its too hard to understand…)
well, there’s many ways… of doing this. You can use a program like Swift-3d to make one… or you can program one in flash. I would say that if you just want to DRAW the frames for a rotating thing, it will be more complicated than doing it in actionscript
how could i do it in actionscript, cause i dont have swift, and i think that the frame by frame would take FOREVEr, so yeah
hmm… I know the general idea, since I used to do this in 7th grade with QBasic.
The first thing you need to do is figure out coordinates for every point in your object, cause you’re going to be drawing lines from point to point in each frame. Lets say you want to do a 2 dimensional E that rotates… in that case, you need 6 points…
if you want a 3 dimensional figure, you need to multiply that number by two. Your coordinates are going to be in this form: (x, y, z).
Then you define an axis of rotation… if you have ONE axis of rotation, it means that two of your coordinates are going to be constantly changing. If you want things rotating around the z axis, the coordinates that are going to be changing are x and y.
also, the coordinates of your axis, if it’s the z axis, is going to be in (x, y) form. why (x, y)? because the z axis encompasses ALL of z. So no matter what z you give it, the axis is going to be there. So the z coordinate is not important.
So you’re going to be rotating the points. If you’re going to be rotating along the z axis, the z coordinate of these points will stay constant. so your points are going to be in form of (x, y, constant).
then you need to figure out what the angles are between each of your points and the axis, and increase these angles by a certain amount. You calculate the new coordinates of the points from these new angles. And then you draw your lines from point to point.
Translating this into actionscript is going to be a pain… you sure you want to do it this way?
umm i dont think so after hearing the explaination, so how do u do it the plain way, to make the cube spin with all sides appear when it spins to them
i was just experimenting, and this is the **** i have so far, and its not what i was looking for
if you could show me the animations and idea through this fla thatd be great… :trout:
If you have Swift 3D I’ll just send you the .t3d file if you like?
ok i have swift 3d but ive never used it. is it easy to use?
yah, if you can send that file to my email at: uncleguito@lycos.com
thatd be great,
thanks a bunch
This is VERY basic, as I have no time at the moment.
I got this file from Flash thief. It has a killer rotating 3D box done completely in flash. The main difference between doing it this way and doing it with swift is that you can fully interact with it. But I’d shy away from putting this into any sort of portfolio unless you program it yourself… Nice effect though.
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