Hey people.
I am the co-leader of the Xbox Live Clan; The Killers Of Tech. We are looking for a person to do a banners/logos/animations. Please e-mail me if you are interested.
Hey people.
I am the co-leader of the Xbox Live Clan; The Killers Of Tech. We are looking for a person to do a banners/logos/animations. Please e-mail me if you are interested.
Examples of useful information would be the skills required, project aims and amount of work involved. “I need help with a Flash project, PM me for info” is not helpful information to anyone. Give details of levels of scripting, animation, design. People will be more willing to respond if you are upfront from the beginning.
That, plus: Any email address to mail to or estimated budget ?
sounds interesting.
any cash in it? :hr:
At the momment cash may not be involved. But later I guessing we can do something… My e-mails spridal2andy@yahoo.com
site =
Well you Page header could really do with some work. I’d be willing to do it in Photoshop for you if there was a little bit of cash involved. I’ll make something then show you it. Then you can pay me if you want it. How’s that sound?
Here’s what I came up with for a site header. I kept the same font. I put your old header as an attachment for comparison. Also on my version it says ‘Flash Gordon’ about a million times. That’s just so you can’t use it without my permission.
Thats not exactly what I had in mind dude, I want a FLASH MX banner…
Okay. I could try that too. Just gimme a couple hours. And some cash. It’s not so easy to watermark your work in flash so it’s better to get a contract or money up front.
How much do you want, im just woundering? I dont have anymoney…
i would be glad to design your game site… ive done it before and i know just what u want.
since I have a lot of free time, you can pm if you want me to do it for free.
What game is this for?
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