Flash Designers Wanted

Hey all,

I run a small web design business from Toronto, ON…Canada. We’re looking to expand and can’t find local help.

So if anyone is interested in getting paid for your art, please get back to me :slight_smile:


What exactly are you looking for?

We’re looking to subcontract flash designers. As i said, we’re a small company, so we’re not talking $10, 000 web sites.

Check your PM :wink:

Check your PM. I put my business e-mail in there to contact me with. Or you can just PM me back.

Here’s the kicker however…

Do you want local help or help over the net?

If you wnat help over the net… My business e-mail is my only email:


Please be sure to e-mail me promptly and I will try my best to fulfill your wishes.

Best Luck:bounce:

Start throwing some e-mails or private messages around [SIZE=1]:: to me too ::[/SIZE]

I too sent a PM…

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you all know that we’ve found our designer. I would like to thank you all for your replies, you all have great work, we were very impressed. :slight_smile:

Thanks Again!


:frowning: [scowl]

Poor little baby morse.
…Hey morse, can I work for you? Or Sureshot? or that other guy that can’t spell and has an orange colored footer thing?


Morse check your PM