A friend and myself are starting a new website, for graphic design. We were looking for one skilled flash designer, to help us, this flash designer will get paid 75% of the cost of the flash done on the image.
If the header was worth $150
The flash designer would receive $112.50 from the $150
And the $37.50 left over would come back to my friend and me.
We look forward to your application and hope to hear from someone soon.
oh sorry i just noticed its uk… well i have plans to work in uk, have couple of really good links and good clientage too…
sure i am interested, emailme@jasninder.com and u can see my homepage and i can provide more links later…
Kit i think Surrey B.C is Surrey Britsh Columbia. Not UK (USA)
and he wud have quoted in £ sign not a $ sign, there u go…
U think I can work as a freelance Detective too:P ???
haha, just kidding… i just askd one of my relatives who’z livin in surry U.K