[Need Help] Flash Designer

A friend and myself are starting a new website, for graphic design. We were looking for one skilled flash designer, to help us, this flash designer will get paid 75% of the cost of the flash done on the image.


If the header was worth $150
The flash designer would receive $112.50 from the $150
And the $37.50 left over would come back to my friend and me.

We look forward to your application and hope to hear from someone soon.

Best Regards,
Akash Patel



got any chat programs?

aim: dounpour

I might be interested. IM me tonight @ TheDP927. I can provide some samples works but my portfolio is in the making.

I could have something for you by tomorrow if I am given all of the specifics on content, file size, dimensions, color scheme, ect.

hey thankx for your replies. i got three of you know, so whoecer can do the best… i guess… gets the job. also telekinesis… i need you aim please.

hey dan… freaking nice footer.

you posted for that:-P just kidding lol.

eh, threads get hijacked…

yah it happens at times.

Hey Akash,
Do u have ur setup in india or abroad somewhere?
Just curious…

hey jaz, doesn’t it say ‘Location: Surrey’. :trout:

oh sorry i just noticed its uk… well i have plans to work in uk, have couple of really good links and good clientage too…
sure i am interested, emailme@jasninder.com and u can see my homepage and i can provide more links later…

Surrey? Is that the Surrey that’s next to Kent in England, or do you Americans have one too?

Anyway, I have no idea whether or not I’d be suitable for this, but if I am then I wouldn’t mind finding out more please. :slight_smile:

Kit i think Surrey B.C is Surrey Britsh Columbia. Not UK (USA)
and he wud have quoted in £ sign not a $ sign, there u go…
U think I can work as a freelance Detective too:P ???

haha, just kidding… i just askd one of my relatives who’z livin in surry U.K

I wondered with that BC stood for. I figured it was either American or that people in Surrey (UK) wer still living in the Stone Age… :sure:

I will private message you my AIM screen name Ace. . . .

hahahahah, stone age?
really funny kit =)

btw wats SOTW kit?