I’m in a little situation here. You guys have always helped me out which I really appreciate.
I have a friend that is trying to view a flash site that I just put together. She cannot view it because it is directing her to the page that you’d be directed to if you don’t have the player installed. She has downloaded it. Everyone else can view the page, but she seeem to not be able to view the page with any of her computer at work. She has xp on all machines at work.
I couldn’t copy my source to the post, so I saved them on a word doc. You can download it. If someone could please help me out. I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
You know that’s what I figured as well. I’ll do some more research and post it on here afterwards just in case someone else may need the info. But if anyone has any other comments about it or insights about the issue, please post it on here. I would like to know as well.
If you have anything else let me know, otherwise thanks for your help lost.