Flash detection script for cell phones

hi there,

i have a flash detection script that i’ve been using for awhile now (i might have even gotten it here) and it’s been working great. however, i’m trying to get an “index2” page to come up when the site is viewed on a non-flash supporting cell phone and it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. i’m wondering if anyone has had any experience with this and what you might advise. thanks in advance for your help. below is the current script that i use:

var MM_contentVersion = 8;
var plugin = (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes[“application/x-shockwave-flash”]) ? navigator.mimeTypes[“application/x-shockwave-flash”].enabledPlugin : 0;
if ( plugin ) {
var words = navigator.plugins[“Shockwave Flash”].description.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i)
if (isNaN(parseInt(words*)))
var MM_PluginVersion = words*;
var MM_FlashCanPlay = MM_PluginVersion >= MM_contentVersion;
else if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“MSIE”)>=0
&& (navigator.appVersion.indexOf(“Win”) != -1)) {
document.write(’<SCR’ + 'IPT LANGUAGE=VBScript&gt;
'); //FS hide this from IE4.5 Mac by splitting the tag
document.write('on error resume next
document.write(‘MM_FlashCanPlay = ( IsObject(CreateObject(“ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.” & MM_contentVersion)))
document.write(’</SCR’ + 'IPT&gt;
if ( MM_FlashCanPlay ) {
} else{