Hi Guys,
I have been looking to get my hands on a Flash Whiteboard/Paint Application that I can put on my website. I have found several which give the ability to draw freehand but what I want it to have similar functionality to the one found here [COLOR=#003366]http://www.imaginationcubed.com/[/COLOR] or here [URL=“http://www.flashcomguru.com/components/whiteboard/”][COLOR=#003366]http://www.flashcomguru.com/components/whiteboard/[/COLOR]. Namely, in addition to freehand drawing I need the ability to draw straight lines, rectangles, circles along with the ability to change the color of the ink. The ability to save this drawing would be nice, but not necessary.
I was wondering if there is anyone out there who already has an application like this and if they would be interested in selling me a copy to use on my website?
In the alternative, I would be interested in entertaining offers of development of this application with the features I need from scratch. Please feel free to private message me for more information or to make an offer.