[quote=mainy;2335482]Thank you for the quick replies.
I am completly new to making flash files, so I hope you can bear with me and answer my other questions.
1) What program will I need to do this? I have Macromedia Flash 8, but I think this is more for flash animations.
Saving the images is quite important to the design of the website. Is it possible using a database which the flash paint can store images in?
Where do I get started? Any tutorials, manuals or general good teach yourself guides that will be relevant.
Sorry for all the questions. Once again, thank you for your help. I am sure Kirupa is going to be a valued source from now on.[/quote]
Mainy - flash is flash, there aren’t different editions of flash for different things. Flash 8 can do many things, including, but not restricted to traditional timeline animation.
However, Flash has come on leaps and bounds from it’s origins as a vector tool, and animation studio.
It’s more of a programming environment now, AND is moving towards bitmap rendering rather than vector, which is of course much slower.
So to answer your question, you absolutely can use Flash to code many things, websites, games, motion graphics, and yes - a basic paint tool.
However, seeing as you are a complete beginner with flash, it’ll take you a while to be able to program an interactive, basic paint utility.
Unless of course you’re a programmer already, what experience do you have with programming?
This site itself would be a great place to start, look through the forums and also the tutorials from the front page.
You want Actionscript 2 tutorials.