I need some help ASAP with sending a form threw email
in the file below, will give you a prime example of how i want it to work
but, i’ll tell you on here in my best knowledge.
I have:
Full Name: name2
Phone #: phonenumber
Email Address: emailaddress
Comments: texte
[u]component name[/u]
Country: country
[u]checkbox - component name[/u]
Reasion 4 Contact
Interested In Joining: joining
Wish To Order: order
Contact Me: contact
radiobuttons - component name
**Gender **
Male: male
Female: female
Other: other
then i have:
Submit and Reset buttons
Submit component name is = submit
Reset component name is = reset
so when someone fills out or selects all that stuff and clicks submit
it then goes to ’ results’ frame.
on that frame there is:
1 dynamic textfield which displays all the infomation gathered from the previous form.
variable name = send
instance name = result
back and submit buttons are on that frame to
submit button - i want to send to an email address of course , but dont know how to get that far. brain not functioning to good these days.
when someone clicks on the submit button, the infomation in the dynamic textfield needs to be sent to an email address.
if you have a bettter way of doing it, be my guess, get into it , muck around with the thing and see what you can come up with. and get back to me ASAP
email = transecore@yahoo.com.au
file: contact4.zip