Flash External movie help

I’m new to the forum, and i hope i can ask this in the best way…

I have a simple site, i’m not a big time flash mx guy im just knowledgeable in basic flash.

I have Flash MX

What i want to do is, i have 4 options on my current site.
Artwork, Contact me, Links, About me.

And now my sites huge like 800 kb or so, what i want to do is make all 4 of those options in there own swf, like a external movie.

On my main swf i have Artwork on like frame 25, contact me on frame 30 and links on 35 (etc)

I have simple buttons with the Go_To actions to go to each frame, is there a way to go to the frame and have the movie load there? for instance.

Click on Artwork, it goes to frame 25, then have the movie load?

I’d appreciate any help thanks!