Flash Feed Back

Would just like a general, Thats kewl Thats Lame, feed back on this small (300x60x2.8kb) flash project I am working on.

Tada! http://tears.ws/flash/NewSig.html

I can’t say that it’s lame, but I can’t say that it’s cool either so um…

The only thing I can say is, work with the colors…:-\

Ack, No fair pickin on me for being half colour blind!

Hehe, Ill see what I can do, Thanks :slight_smile:

I have to agree with electrongeek… the colours are a bit weird… therefore, it’s not super duper cool and it’s not “yak!” either. It’s “comme si, comme ça”, like the French would say. (-:

And no, I’m not picking on you! :flower: Keep working on it.