Why Flash hates me?

Hello, i just want to know, if anyone of you happens the same that me, i mean i have that feling that i Flash hates me, anytime i use Flash i finish with a headache.
I perfectly use Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc in fact i consider myself a master in other webdesign programs, but why Flash is so hard to me?
I mostly use it with my clients, and something it would get an hour for normal people to me it gets at least 3 hours!!! Am i stupid?
Please give me your opinion on this i would like to know another experiences on flash.
And i hope you understand what is happening to me.:bored:

Flash has been great to me. Are you black?

^wow. what a question/
flash hasn’t been that bad to me, except in game dev:)


You’ve got about ten seconds to justify that ridiculous question.


Now THAT was just plain stupid. It’s gonna go down in the pages of history as one of the most idiotic things ever said with your name alondside in capitalized and extra bold letters.

I have problems with Flash and Photoshop both, but not like they hate me or anything. Just that both have -ve’s and +ve’s.

Like you can’t mess around with vector pieces as easily in PS and the same way when you wanna add neat FX while animating something, those FX just can’t be made in Flash.

Nothing else :stuck_out_tongue:

LMAO! Everyone wave bye bye to Dae

OK… Bubye Dae! :stuck_out_tongue:

Flash doesnt hate me, animation does. I always finish frustrated and with only a couple of seconds of animation done. I like animating though.

psmith: I get that same feeling with 3dsmax :wink:

Omg lol, animation likes me again. I realised I’ve been neglecting the pencil tool, and choosing the brush everytime, and right after reading this thread again, I thought I’d try it out. BAM! I am loving this.

Animation likes me again and its all thanks to this thread :slight_smile:

That post from Dae was actually pretty funny, I’d suggest to some other people to lighten up and learn to know a joke when they see one.

I actually agree :stuck_out_tongue: It obviously wasn’t intended to be racist.

Looked pretty racist to me…

You would be surpised with some of these people’s intention. Anyway, your making youself hate Flash. It’s dumb, your the master. You program it. You can’t just grasp Flash straight away. You need the time to work with it and experiment. In time, Flash becomes good to you.

I agree with minimalistik.

I say rinse and repeat.:shifty:

Intentional or not, the comment was inappropriate here. How could something like that be said and someone NOT take offense? This forum has many members from all over the world. Not everyone has the same sense of humor.

Tell me what you think…its nothing amazing but ive spent a lot of time on it.


lemme know

I often feel like flash is out to get me… then I realize I forgot a “;” at the end of a line of code and know that it’s not Flash, just me being forgetful.

I think 80% of my stumbling blocks are due to simple misplacement of code.