Flash/Flex FB AS3 SDK

I’ve been a Flash game dev for a number of years, and I’ve decided to do a Facebook game using the Adobe AS3 Facebook SDK. I’ve been using Flash CS3, but have recently got Flash builder 4. I’ve just starting to get my head into this stuff and have already run into a number of issues, whch have left me scratching my head, so…

  1. The reason I got Flash builder 4 is because it seems it’s only possible to debug a Facebook application if you export to AIR, which is only possible as a AIR project inside Flash builder, correct? or is is possible to debug a Facebook Flash app form the Flash CS3 IDE?

  2. I’m not entirely sure how to load assets into Flash builder from Flash. I know you can embed them at compile time, but even that doesn’t seem straightforward if you are trying to embed animations with AS in them, but ideally I would have the main .swf loading the assets into it at run time, but that has issues too, so my question here is what’s the best way to load assets at run time (content and data) while using Flash Builder?

  3. Does using Flash CS5, with Flash builder 4, and creating a Flash pro project solve all the issues with accessing assets inside Flash? or does that not make any difference if I’m loading in the assets at run time anyway?

Thanks for any advice!