Flash Form, Asp, Sql And Access Database

Hi there !

From one of Kirupa’s tutorials I’ve been trying to implement Digitalosophy’s flash 2004 form working with asp, sql and access database.

In the submit button’s actions I have :


…however it keeps telling me that the page can’t be accessed. No other reason given.

All the pages are in place. All the variables are correct. Everything is uploaded.

Is there a mistake in the syntax or am I missing something?

Help greatly appreciated.

Does your server accept asp pages?

Hi Claudio,

Yes it does.


where does it say page cannot be accessed?

since your using loadVariablesNum your not redirecting to a different browser, so where is that message coming up?

post a screen shot of the error message

it might display that when viewing in flash mx, but not on a web page itself ;D also with that code, make sure your .swf and .asp are in the same folder.

exactly =)

that’s why I’m not too sure what magya means

mmmm yeah i can’t get asp to work that well i can send variables but receiving never works lol i have a button which does taht same hing above calls the variables from the asp page to level 0 and then if i try set one of them to like a textfield it never works


When I upload the swf file with “LoadVariablesNum” then absolutely nothing happens.

Right now the swf file on the server has on the Submit button actions the “GET URL” syntax. As my browser shows everything in Spanish then you can hit the following url and see the result yourself:


Here you can see the “processForm.asp” syntax:


The database file name has been changed to “login.mdb”

I must say on my own IIS server on my computer at home it works ok.

The anclacarga.com server has asp activated as I’m using it for other stuff but with no database. I also asked them and no problem for asp in conjunction with access database so it’s not the server.

Your comments/help greatly appreciated.


yea it’s a permission problem

read these articles



your asp page is not working right theres a conflict with the syntax.