Flash Form & Asp?

Which files do you want me to attach? The Flash and the ASP page?


How do I do it? There doesn’t seem to be a button for it?

lol yea post a reply and attach a zip file with both files in there

Am I stupid or what, I can find the stupid “Browse” button!

OK, I’m not having a good dayat all. I’m a little dense…I know! Let me know when you are ready!

I’m really sorry for causing you so much trouble!!

Thanks Again,


hit post reply to this post, and look toward the bottom, for a BROWSE button

I did it, did you get it?

lol get what? where is it? do this


just email me them!@!@!@@!@ :slight_smile:

i am leaving work now ill be home in an hour


ohh man its kinda confusing … i;ve set up the IIS and from the admin control…its working fine…how can i be sure…and where is my wwwroot file can someone explain? im kinda new to connection of database…thanks!

go into admin tools >>> IIS
once your there, click onthe tree to expand it
click on the web site tree and right click on default website and go to the properties

go to home directory. your location path will be the folder with your website in it. the persmissions should be read and write, since you will most likely want to write to your database

execute permissions should be scripts and executables

now that you set your site up, you can accees it by typing this in your browser


a good way to test your server is to create an asp page that contains this

<%= "test" %>

name it test.asp and access it by http://locahost/test.asp

there ya go that should get you set up. if you recieve and error message just post the error


IIS is about the simplest thing to install. Once it is installed however, it is very insecure because with anything prior to .NET server (ie IIS5 or below) came wide open with no passwords. I would recommend that you go to your control panel->administrative tools-> Internet Information Services and disable everything except for Default web and Admin web. I surely wouldn’t enable the FTP because it is about as tough to break as a toothpick.

NOTICE: Don’t do any of the above said stuff until you get it working.

Your default IIS directory will be c:\inetpub\wwwroot, this is also insecure and there are a lot of viruses that will crawl the net looking for IIS’s with default configs hack them and then replace the default.html. I have personally seen this happen. As a security precaution I move my wwwroot to some where else on my server or rename the folder and then make sure you go into IIS and reconfigure the folder structure. (This is all more advanced stuff and wouldn’t attempt any of it until your get comfortable with IIS. If you want any more help then you can IM me @ TheDP927

ok its all working now… so i can decode all codes n post it to flash mx directly…? or i still need to d.l asp script(i hope not)… currently i work for my attachment in a co. and d/l software online will need to go thru serious hassle autorisation procedures… i hope u undestand wht i mean