[SIZE=1]Thank you to your earlier responses. I had posted that I thought I had made a mistake in the form. But I didn’t. Instead of the info going to a frame named “Result” I would like the submit pushbutton to send the form info to someone by email.
I’m not sure how to get it to go to email. It’s an NT Server that supports ASP, I would like the whole form (input texts, checkboxes and comments fields to be sent by email. Is that possible with this form?
[COLOR=crimson] Please help - I’m losing it!! Thanks again!![/COLOR] [/SIZE]
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Complete - Your mail has been sent”
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Failure - Your mail was not sent - errors”
Response.Write Mailer.Response
end if
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Complete - Your mail has been sent”
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Failure - Your mail was not sent - errors”
Response.Write Mailer.Response
end if
In the Tutorial the submit button is a movie clip, so I put the AS for it at the bottom of the AS that I posted above. I’m going to leave something out of the ASP file so I can post it here:
Name = Request.form(“name”)
Email = Request.form(“email”)
Address = Request.form(“address”)
City = Request.form(“city”)
State = Request.form(“state”)
Zip = Request.form(“zip”)
Phone = Request.form(“phone”)
Rvc = Request.form(“rvc”)
Trs = Request.form(“trs”)
Vds = Request.form(“vds”)
Mavc = Request.form(“mavc”)
Dmcs = Request.form(“dmcs”)
Comment = Request.form(“comment”)
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Complete - Your mail has been sent”
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Failure - Your mail was not sent - errors”
Response.Write Mailer.Response
end if
I left the brackets out purposly, I hope you can see it now.
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Complete - Your mail has been sent”
Response.Write “_root.Mail.EmailStatus=Failure - Your mail was not sent - errors”
Response.Write Mailer.Response
end if
is that flash code in an asp page??? if not your code is way off, you cant do that with asp
I think so, but, I’m not sure - I had the ASP page all wrong. (I guess you knew that!!). I have it running - it’s going to the ASP page, but, I’m not sure if all the information is getting there or not. I’m going to change the email address to my own and fill out the form to see what I get.
I’ll let you know - and I thanks for all the help you have been giving me, I really appreciate it!
i hope you know you can not just run an asp page from it’s current location. you need to configure IIS (Internet Information Server) it’s stored under admin options on your start menu. also you will need to configure your SMTP mail server on your machine. I woudl consider signing up for a free account with brinkster http://www.brinkster.com just to et it working then configure yourw own machine. also i windows millinium doesn’t support IIS Hope you know what i am talking about, if not let me know and I will explain further.
and im hope im not insulting ur intelligence, just trying to get you set up.
Not a problem - believe me, I am completely new to “ASP” stuff so my intelligence is if anything - IMPROVING!! LOL
I installed IIS, but I’m not sure if I configured it the right way. I don’t see the test you told me to try.
I installed IIS. The “Personal Web Manager” is up. I created a “default.asp” and saved it in: Inetpub/wwwroot this is what the default.asp page looks like:
fn = Request.Form(“fn”)
Dim EmailFromAddress, EmailToAddress, Subject, Body, File
Response.Write “Thank You, Your Message Has Been Sent”
I have the Personal Web Manager up it still shows me the name of my computer - I must have done something wrong cuz I thought that it was supposed to change?
I’m not sure what to change in the “Advanced Tab”.
Right click on toolbar next to your start menu
Go to properties>>start menu>>customize
click display administrative tools. ( I am on xp your might be a bit different)
click apply and close the properties box
then go to your start menu>>programs>>admin tools>>IIS
once IIS is open expand the tree
go to wesites>>default website>>right click>>properties
Leave everything as is, make the port 80
execute permissions should be scripts and executables
go to home directory and defien your local path(your web folder)
grant all permissions for now just to test
now your done configuring IIS
open notepad and save this file as “test.asp”
<%@ Language = "VBScript" %>
<% Response.Write "This is a test" %>
make sure that file is in your local path that you earlier defined.
The test worked. I am on the right track with that. I have a question. I have my Variables on a separate layer then my Action Script in Flash, could this be causing the problem?
Here is a copy of the ASP page that I created with the added variables that I need. I’m not sure if I entered them right or not.
When I press the submit button after filling out the form, it says the message is sent, but I don’t receive the email. When I did yours - it worked. I think I’m still not doing something right. Maybe it’s the way I have my variables, this is what they look like and like I said before, they are on their own layer in Flash.