Hi All,
I want to implement a game having this functionality. Have 26 movie clips on stage displaying from A - Z, a text field as well as a submit button. the user can type in any word in the text field by selecting the corresponding movieclips ( for eg: for typing in hello , the user needs to click the h - e - l- l - o movieclips ) . the user then clicks the submit button. on clicking submit button, the applicaion generates 5 movieclips all jumbled up ( the no of movieclips generated depends on the number of letters in the word the user types) . these movieclips are jumbled up. for eg : l - e - l- e- h. these movieclips should be draggable. the users job is to arrange the movieclips on stage to make a word and then click the check button. on clicking check, the application checks if the word is similar to the word the user had submitted b4… can someone please guide me on this… ny help is appreciated…