Flash in film?

Hello all,

First of all, I’m not sure if this thread belongs in the Random forum. It’s not really about Flash or design or whatever. Anyway, feel free to move it if I made a mistake. :slight_smile:

I have a question: is it possible to put Flash animations in a self made movie? I’m currently editing a little movie with Adobe Premiere Pro and would like to include some of my Flash animations in it. How do I proceed to make sure the animations are clear and sharp? Do I have to keep the fps in mind? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance! :thumb:

Have you tried saving it from Flash as and MPEG or AVI and importing it into Pro?
I don’t know how good it’ll come out, never tried it. :frowning:

I think there is a flash made logo in one of the example files.

The one with the bike racers, the logo spins and shrinks…

hmmm… Then again I might be mistaken, it’s been a long time since I have looked at Pro and dont have it on this computer to check. It might have been a vector image done with illustrator.

I might have know idea what I am talking about on this one…
But then whats new. :wink:

Goto file|export|movie
Then you can select .avi or .mov or whatever you want.

just make sure its the correct dimensions and do not use any as for animation it wont work it has to be all timeline based you can use movieclips, but the trick to using movieclips is to export as a swf then import that same swf into flash again and export it as a mpg avi or mov file or you can export it as a sequenced image file and then use those sequences in AE good luck :wink:

Thanks guys. I’ll try… well, all of the above. :stuck_out_tongue:

Vegas Video 5.0 has direct swf import. :slight_smile: Premeire can blow me. Remember NTSC DV is 720x480 at 30fps.