Flash Intro problems

Hi all. Im fairly new to flash and im just making a very basic intro to my website. Anyway, its uses a kind of fading text effect made by using alpha and motion tweens. When I view the .fla everything looks of but when I view the . swf or .html the text doesnt do the fading effect. Can this be fixed or do I have to do the fading text thing a different way then I am currently doing it? Thanks :slight_smile:

are there any stop actions on the timeline? Otherwise, I don’t know why such a thing should happen.
Could you send the fla as an attachment.
<table style="filter: glow(strength=3 color=orange) ">Welcome to KirupaForums!<table>

Thank you :slight_smile:
The file is way to big to attatch :frowning: Ill go take out the stop actions and see what that does. Thanks.

Ok I made a new one that I like and Ill attach the .fla The text still doesnt fade in the .swf and its all jagged like. Im probably going to add an mp3 to it later. Could someone take a look at it? :slight_smile:

Ok new problem! I fixed that fading thing somehow…Anyway I have and mp3 playing while the text is fading and stuff. Right at the end theres clickable text to take you to the site. the movie stops there and it just says enter. I want the music to keep playing untill the end, which it does but it also starts again so I have it playing twice, one just starting and one already part way through. Can anyone help me with this?