Fading a clip/text?

Hey all. I’m pretty green when it comes to designing with Flash MX so I’m sure some of you know what I’m trying to do. On my site that I’m learning with I’d like to achieve the following effect.

I would like to have it so that when a user clicks on a button, some static text fades in. Upon pressing another button, this text fades out and the new text fades in. So far, I’ve got it set so that I have two MC for each piece of text that I want displayed. Within the MC I have the text alpha fade in and out. Seems right, but here’s my prob. When I click on the 2nd button, the new MC plays and the text fades in. However, the old text stays and I get that ugly text on text situation. Could anyone be so kind to tell me why my major disfunction is or point me to a tut on what I’m missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ok, there was another thread that had to tackly the same situation.

Well the situation is a bit different, in a way that it was changing backgrounds, but the method is still the same…


There is an example .zip file in there, I believe towards the end, that has a live working example you can study.

hmm… i’m studying the .fla and i see what i’m supposed to be doing. however, is there another method, maybe a bit more streamlined? i’m having a bit of trouble implementing it and i’m going a bit crazy over it.



hmm… i’ve been studying the tuts on this sort of effect, and i just can’t seem to grasp it. i’ve read and read and experimented, yet i just can’t achieve what i’m hoping for. i’m posting the .fla here in the hope that someone will be kind enough to point out my mistake(s). i know i’ve probably butchered the code pretty bad, but hey, that’s what learning is all about… right? :*( thanks to all who can help and even those who are stumped like me.



so i didn’t get a chance to look at your .fla BUT if i understood you correctly try this

create a movie clip LABEL YOUR MOVIE CLIP, and for frame 1 leave a blank keyframe with an action of stop () on it.
then on fame two, create your 1st tween which is fade in with your text fade the proper number of frames, (ex: fade in from frames 2 -8)
label this set of frames fadeIn and on the last frame of place a stop () action (in my example thats frame 8).
Then add a blank keyfrme on frame 9 (ex: fade out from 9 - 15) and fade out the same text and label this set of frames fadeOut and also put a stop () on your end frame (in my example frame 15)
Then create a new layer and on that layer place your new text a frame after your last frame for fadeOut (myexample place new text on frame 16). Fade in the proper number of frames (ex: fade in from 16 - 25) and place a stop () action on the last frame (my example frame 25)

then go to your buttons

the button through which the first text will fade in:

on (release) {
tellTarget ("/fade") {

the button through which the first text will fade out and the second text will fade in:

on (release) {
tellTarget ("/fade") {

hope that helps

Thanks Pithcell,

While I haven’t had a chance yet to try out your solution, I see what you mean. Hopefully I’ll have had a chance to try out the code before you read this.



Geez, I shall not give up my attempts to beat AS into submission… With that out of the way I’m left with my new question regarding the techniques I’m learning. I’ve made some progress with my fading problems. I know I’m close yet I just can’t seem to figure the last lil bit out. I’ve included the .fla and if anyone would be kind enough to point out my error, I shall be super grateful :slight_smile:

grrr… updated .fla

