Flash intro

hey, i was wondering what u guys think of this intro, its not that good, practically no words, but i think that actions speak louder than words. its for a clan my cuz is making. the URL is http://geocities.com/puppy_crack/spnaz.htm - thanks

Wow dude, that bullet is great, excelent effect!

The only thing I noticed is it kind of chugged just a bit. I have a 1 gig processor and 1gig of ram so I know my computer isnt the greatest but it’s better than at least 50% of what’s out there.

But like I siad - excellent sound effect and great work with the bullet!

Same story on the slight chug…

Other than that that bullet effect was sweet.

thanks guys, i will try to fix it

Hey thats pretty good! kinda slow on my 1 gig comp tho. btw, what game is that clan participating in?

a tom clancy game called Ghost Recon

i cant wait to get that for XBOX!

btw this better be worth the wait! after like 5 min(or what feeled like that)i just gave up.