Swift 3D + Flash MX, what do you think? C:-)
Swift 3D + Flash MX, what do you think? C:-)
u need a preloader or hold up
nvm i saw it, its that the beggining of the intro(the lines moving) is a tad on the long side, i thought it was dl-ing.
make the beggining line sequence a bit shorter and other than that its kool
its interesting, I have a fast computer! I went to my kitchen to grab someting, I come back and those movie lines was still there, so I agree with aku Loader with procentage on would be helpfull, then again I dont understand why it took so long to load I download ur .swf and it was like 244k or something like that, but that’s nothing! Is your music included in digit_bc_2.swf ?
I like the impact in it!
I don’t get you guys, are you saying that you did not know how much was left, or that you did not know that the file has completed the downloading process?
I’ve made the movie play to the first frame of the actual clip and stop there waiting from the mouse to move as a signal to start the clip, the actual loading scene is before the screen with moving lines.
Yes, the sound clip is included in the only SWF file of the intro.
I dont know what they’re talking aobut, I liked it. The only problem I saw with it was that it had no purpose. Most intros have text flowing through the animation taht reveals something about the site they are about to enter. Good job though, it looks nice.
Most intros have text flowing through the animation taht reveals something about the site they are about to enter.
Good point, that is why I did not put it as the official intro, < it still has the underconstruction sign only.
well like i said b4, i saw the loading screen and all but when the part with the moving lines came in, it looked and felt like it was still downloading or like it got stuk or something. i counted 10 to 15 sec btween the time the lines came in and the time the music and the text came in. the pausebetween that time period is to long is
i didnt know to move the mouse, so i just waited forever. thats the first downside to it. the second it sthat it took so long to load.
otherwise i love the morphing effect. the vector style seems to fit here as well. the music was good and i never heard it loop which is what you want to look for. great job, eyecandy for sure.
it looked and felt like it was still downloading or like it got stuk or something
i didnt know to move the mouse,
I believe that I HAVE to put sometext saying move the mouse, everyone is having problems.
ohh ok ok, i moved the mouse as soon as it loaded and it came quick but now i ask you, why do we have to move the mouse. just make it come automatically play
lol that’s why, get that move mouse out
The thing is that I did not want it to play without the users interaction, but I was too lazy to make a play button. :P, I am too lazy, I’m just going to put a text saying, enter, and when you try to reach the thing, it will play automatically.
not professional, what if they dont wanna click enter and then it plays?
so what yur saying is that yur ganna leave the onmouse move and trick ppl with the enter butt so that when they try to moove towards the enter butt itll automatically play because the moved the mouse towards the enter butt. but it wont werk because itll look like a broken script or something. i mean the point of an intro is to just entertain for a few and then interactivity begins once its done, your going backwards and besides, a simple paly butt only takes bo more than a few secs. or just remove that script man.
its not werking
Oh hooo, you are making me sound silly now, LOL.
I will make a play button, you did not leave me another choice.
there should be no play button on the intro, unless u wanna do a splash page who say enter intro, enter website! The only button on the intro somewhere in the corner should be ‘‘SKIP’’
The whole point of my original script was the avoid the starting of the intro without the users knoweldge, because the size of the intro was big, and I do not expect people to just sit looking at the loading screen until it finished loading. That is why it has to be played manually.
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