www.egomedia.com - Flash web design with extreme Actrionscript and back-end productions.
www.ego7.com - New version of Egomedia (posted above).
www.realityslip.com - Great navigation scheme, colors, music and transitions.
www.gmunk.com - A portfolio site made by Bradley Grosh, also known as the worlds greatest designer.
www.driftlab.com - A great site with smooth transitions. Also included in the devarmy group.
www.pixelranger.com - Shane Mielke’s portfolio which is undoubtedly amazing. Also an employee of 2Advanced Studios.
www.mindmeldcreative.com - Mike Hansen’s portfolio, also an employee of 2Advanced Studios.
www.jaijin.com/andru - Andru Phoenix’s portfolio. High tech at it’s best. Employee of 2Advanced Studios.
www.whoswestudios.com - 3D work has never been this good.
www.infiniumlabs.com - Intro made by 2Advanced Studios and website made by Who’s We. Need I say more?
www.trendax.com - Corporate website by Who’s We.
www.taigkhris.com - Motion website for In-line maestro Taig Khris, made by 2Advanced Studios.
www.techspace.com - Corporate website made by 2Advanced Studios.
www.j2studios.com - Nice transitions and great imagery.
www.hostile-clan.com - Great Counter-Strike clan site that won an FWA.
www.k-whaps.com - 3D architecture site.
www.fantasyinterfaces.com - FI is a leading design studio located in Amsterdam and they have some of the coolest creations that have been acclaimed by several awards.
www.firestormpc.com - 3D website made by FI for Firestorm PC.
www.fantasyinterfaces.com/ignition - Ignition presentation made for a sales company. Was created in 13 hours by 2 designers from FI.
www.bruteforce.com - Extreme 3D website created by FI for the game title Brute Force.
Thanks to makemedie for the above URLs C:-)