Flash levels / POST variables

here’s my script that’s not sending the variables like it’s supposed to

on (press) {
if (_root.window.content.mailform.name eq ""  or _root.window.content.mailform.email eq "" or _root.window.content.mailform.message eq "") {
	_root.window.content.mailform.errortext.gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
loadVariablesNum ("form.php", 0, "POST");
_root.window.content.mailform.gotoAndStop (2);

since the path to the variable is _root.window.content.mailform should i put the loadVariablesNum to level 3 instead of 0 ?

nope … that didn’t work … sigh if it’s not level 3 would it be another level or is that not even the problem

here are the files
