Flash Local Connection incorporating into an mp3 player

Hi all

would anyone beable to help me with this problem/puzzle I need to put togther regarding flash local connection?

I will try and explain the best I can, : (


I have an mp3 player(AS3) loads in external mp3. I am trying to attach the flash local connection script to the mp3 script so that I can have the mp3 pop up in a smaller browser and it be controlled by the main homepage.

here is an example, http://www.2020recordings.com/product/VIS185CD

select track 4, you will see it starts playing but also another small window
pops up but its behind the main browser. this is then controlled with a ‘Stop’ and ‘Play’ function on the main home page.

thats what I am trying to create:


I have an example working for the flash local connection where you can drag a ball and it also moves in the smaller pop up window, see here: http://www.paultatler.com/mp3

So I have that working and I have the mp3 working, but I need to put both togther and cross over the flash local connection script and incorporate into the mp3 script. does this make any sense? : 0

What is the best way for me to send script information, I don’t want to flood the thread with AS. You can download the flash lconnection files and the mp3 player from here!



I am new to flash connection so any help would be much apprecited!

many thanks

I have also attached the flash local connection files and MP3Player, in the mp3 file i have removed the external mp3 tracks for file size, they are named; sprung.mp3, over.mp3 and saved.mp3 if you want to add dumpy tracks.