I’d like to create a Flash menu with sections that open and close to reveal or hide subsections when the user clicks on them. So far, that’s easy enough.
The tricky part, though, is that I’d like to use the menu in a hybrid Flash-HTML site, and have the menu “remember” which sections are closed and which are open across multiple pages.
In other words, if the user clicks on section1 in Flash menu on page1, I’d like that section1 to be already open on page2.
I know it would easy placing the Flash menu in a HTML frame, but I don’t want to use frames.
Any idea, suggestion, or example from all the Flash gurus out there would be immensely appreciated.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I just figured it out myself today. That was easier than I thought in fact.
Just a question of declaring a few variables, and adding couple of else/if statements and the string in the HTML code like you suggested.
By the way, how can i cr8 navigation wich will tell what to do from one SWF to another, which are in different frames.
The point is in that, that i want to cr8 in the header - Main navigation, and in the left to cr8 secondary nav., but i don want to refresh this frame on every getURL (in this left fraem nav.) from main nav.