I’m creating a website using 90% xhtml and the drop down menu in Flash. My website is divided into three parts, the header(the top and nav area), the content(body), and the footer(the bottom).
Let’s focus on the header. Like I said I created the drop down menu in flash it works great when i test locally within the flash environment. But when I insert into dreamweaver it looks great but when I test locally the sub menus does not shows up when i hover the mouse. Please help. Thanks.
Is it XML driven? I’ve had an issue where the .xml file has to be in the public_html folder, in your AS if you call to the XML in the same directory, it won’t work when it’s live.
here is the the entire file. I did the project using flash and dreamweaver cs3 but i formatted the flash file in flash 8 just in case. plus could you publish the flash file using your computer because the file exceeds the limit when i upload it. put the swf in the image folder so it shows up using a browser. Thanks.
You’d have to use the code I gave you instead of the crappy default embed code that is published with dreamweaver, it will make life a lot easier for you.