Flash "Mii"-like avatar Creator

POSITION FILLED thanks for the interest.

I am going to be creating a game that needs user-customizable avatars. I need a Flash app that will guide a user through creating their avatar (much like the Wii’s Mii Creation).

Things that need to be customizable include:

Skin Color
Hair Style/Length
Hair Color
Eye Style
Eye Color
Shirt (style+color)
Pants (style+color)
Shoes (color)
Facial Hair
Facial Features (eg Freckles/Blush)

The final product will need to be able to be transported to the server for rendering into a .png. This code is not necessary for you to complete as part of the project but it needs to be completed in a way that allows for this functionality to be added.

Please send me your quotes and examples of past work along with an estimate of how long this will take to complete.

Edit: I forgot to mention that this should be modularized so it would be possible to add in new shirts/pants/hair styles, etc later on.