Help wanted for avatar-chat [flash]

I am a happy amateur developing an isometric avatar-chat in flash.

The background and GUI of the chat is almost finished, but I am not at all pleased with the looks of the avatars.

Therefore, Im looking for somebody more graphically gifted than me, and with experience using flash, that would want to help my avatars to an extreme makeover.

Here is an image of the chat-environment:

Here is an image of one of the avatar:

Here are some prerequisites for an edited avatar to be properly synchronized with the project:

  • The proportions of the sample-avatar (above image) must not be altered. The height and width must have the same proportions as in the image. The height is 85 pixels, and the witdh (shoulder to shoulder) is 35 pixels.

  • Every avatar consists of 4 parts (Hair, Head, UpperBody, LowerBody).
    Since it should be possible to combine these bodyparts however you like, they must all share the exact same connection-areas. In the avatar-example below these connection-areas are marked with red.

  • All outer lines should have the width 1 pixel, and be black. Inner decorationlines can be thinner.

  • All avatars should be made in flash, and using layers where appropriate.

  • All avatars should face semi-forward and semi-backwards (I will mirror them both to have 4 directions).

  • At least 3 different avatars of each sex (3 male, 3 female) are needed. They should all have different hair, heads, upperbodies, lowerbodies, and they should all be interchangeable (ie. cut up in the exact same connectionpoints).

If you are interested then make a sample to show what you can accomplish and post it here on the board (or email it to Ill check by frequently inform you on wether Im interested in your contribution.

Remember, the artist that accepts this challenge does so for the glory and the glory alone. Space will be put aside to recognize the artists name. All bragging-rights will belong to the artist, and a recommendation-letter for future employers can be written if requested.