Flash movie dimensions, and making things smaller?!

Hey everyone,
I am working on a site, and have made a very simple page as i am a newcomer to the wonderful world of flash.

I have put up a page:


A lot of people are complaining that it comes up too big on their comps. My dimensions are 1000 x 700 pixels

My comps res is at the highest setting [1600x1200], so it looks fine.

Is this:

a) too big for everyone to see well

If this is too big, how can i shrink everything easily to the right setting?

please help…

I know you can edit the size in dreamweaver, but then the image of the om becomes fuzzy…i need that NOT to happen lol

Why does this happen to me :q:

I mean i have two options:

  1. just shrink the entire movie by x% or
  2. make someway of the movie detecting if people are not on the X-level of my movie’s resolution, then redirecting them to a page to tell them to increase their res.

Obviously, a site which makes an inconvenience of itself will never do well, so i would really hope for some way to do number 1 [rather than manually editing everything in the movie which is practically impossible now] but if anyone can offer a way of doing number 2, i’d still be highly grateful.



Or…is there any way that when i resize the movie in dreamweaver mx, the pictures/text aren’t messed up?

I am sure there must be, but i don’t know how!

Because this would be the most painless and fastest way.

In answer to your questions:
I couldn’t see your link, I think it’s broken.

A lot of people (like one of my two computers) is still 800x600. So only a portion of your SWF would show up. Telling people to change thier res will usually just make them change their mind about visiting your site.:sure:

Okay. I usually use notepad for my code, but I have Dreamweaver and I know it has a code area. Go to the code area and find your flash object tags. At the end of the object tag, you can adjust the width and height:

...WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="350" id="thunderstars" ALIGN="">

I just tried it to see if it would work and it adjusts the movie and it does! Hope that helps!

Thank you for taking the time to help me, my friend!

The problem is, when i reduce the ratio of the flash file as you have suggested, the symbol of the “om” pixellates.

Is there anyway to prevent this, friend?

No, I’m not really sure what you mean by pixellating. You are trying to go smaller, right? If so, then your quality shouldn’t change. If you are going bigger, as far as I know, your quality will be reduced.
