Screen res

hi all,

nearly finished my first flash site, but think I’ve stuffed up the most important part.

my screen is a 19inch set up at 1152by864. My flash movie is 550by400(default) and then scaled to 100% in dreamweaver. ALL works fine from my end, text is right, etc,etc. so essentially my movie is set up for 1152/864
the same can’t be said when I go down to a 17inch which can’t handle 1152 by 864 properly.

is there a quick and easy way to re-set my movie suitable for 1024by768 without having to re-do font sizes and the like. I don’t think I could handle doing that for eveything.

someone help???

yeah i would like to know this too cause i did the same exact thing you did… cept mines a lil more extreme, 20 inch, 1280 x 1024 =/

first of all you shouild never scale flashmovies, it’s ugly.

then if you really want to resize a whole movie at once there is this
button under the timeline next to onion skinning called ‘edit multiple frames’

hit that button. select everything on the stage and then resize it.


Or you can alter the publish settings… Go into those, and choose to export an HTML page along with the Flash movie. Set the properties of the HTML tab to scale to window size. Then when you open the .htm file, the Flash movie will fill it up as much as it is possible to do so. Any space not filled will be coloured the same as the Flash documents’ background colour.

thanks guys…

just with that edit frame thing, I tried it and it seems to work, don’t understand how it doesn’t stuff up all the tweens???

hey kit…

set my screenres to 1024/768 and then published to that size, opened the HTML and the page had scroll bars top/bottom and left/right,

why did that happen?

Hmm, not sure to be honest. I’ve rarely used this setting on my movies, but from what I’m told you shouldn’t get scrollbars… I dunno. I’ll check on some of my movies etc, see what happens.

This is only slightly related. When designing websites for a certain audience you never really know what screen size the majority of the audience uses. You end up with a bunch if unverifiable assumptions about target audience etc. or you simply decide to dumb it down to the smallest screen size.

With Flash, however, you can write a script which detects the users screen size and transmits the results to a database. This flash movie can be invisible and you can run it in a more neutral site environment to collect data.

I wrote a script like that and can upload it if anyone cares. Have to search for it a bit though.

Look in the help documentation and look for screen size. You can even get the colordepth.

yeh thanks, i think that;s a bit bit out of my league, only been using flash for about a month. I’ll try to get it right on1024/768,
Iknow it;s only a guess but it’s most common.

I wrote a script like that and can upload it if anyone cares. Have to search for it a bit though.
I’d be interested in seeing that script anyway, if you do happen to have it to hand. :slight_smile: