Flash movie playing slower than the audio tracks

I have recently finished a flash movie for a client and went to test it in the various browsers (IE,FF,Safari) and found that the movie clips and animations are playing slower than all the audio in the file. It is a monster of a video at almost 2mb and i have done everything that i can think of to get it to work:stare:. I have a preloader on the front end that downloads the whole movie clip before it plays but it is still not working.

Of course it works fine if i view it in Flash or just watch the swf file on my pc. but as soon as i play it in a browser it slows down. Any ideas or thoughts?


Hey the suntzu…
I’m assuming when you say Flash Movie you mean animations and not video, right?
Also, I’m guessing your audio is probably one long mp3/wav file and it’s all on your time line.

Assuming the top two are correct I’m going to suggest you change your audio sync to stream:

  1. Goto your FLA time line and click your audio layer.
  2. In the properties menu Change sync to: Stream
  3. That’s it. Republish and hope for the best.

This should tell Flash to skip frames in order to keep audio and video in sync (or at least it still did a couple years ago when I tried it last).

Sorry, if you’ve already tried this or it’s not applicable.

Best of Luck,

Peter Organa

Thanks that worked! I also messed around with increasing the frame rates as well and found that that worked also.