Flash mx 2004 - Form components working problem

I am very knew to flash and AS and helped by Kirupas’s tutorials I managed to create a form using input text and components. I get the email (via asp mail) with “undefined” in the components’ related fields but get the information from the input text ok. Something is wrong with my code which is below. I will also like to know how to reset the DateField, CheckBox and Radio Button
components as this doesn’t work either. I will be greatfull if anyone can give me some advice. Thank you!

//Booking From DateField component
function DateFieldDisplay (component) {
from = component.getValue();
trace (From);
bookingFrom.setChangeHandler (“DateFieldDisplay”);
//Booking Till DateField component
function DateFieldDisplay (component) {
Till = component.getValue();
trace (Till);
bookingTill.setChangeHandler (“DateFieldDisplay”);

//Number of Adults Combo Box
function comboDisplay (component) {
adults = component.getSelectedItem().label;
n_adults.setChangeHandler (“comboDisplay”);

//Number of Children Combo Box
function comboDisplay (component) {
children = component.getSelectedItem().label;
n_children.setChangeHandler (“comboDisplay”);

//Spanish writen/spoken Check box
myCheck = [spanishWriten,spanishSpoken];
function checkDisplay (component) {
var j,s;
for(j in myCheck){
if(myCheck[j].getValue()) s+=myCheck[j].getLabel()+"
spanish_Lessons = + ((s.length) ? s: “Nothing”);
for (i=0;i<myCheck.length;i++) {
myCheck*.setChangeHandler (“checkDisplay”);

//Spanish Level ComboBox
function comboDisplay (component) {
spanish_Level = component.getSelectedItem().label;
spanishLevel.setChangeHandler (“comboDisplay”);

//Webdesign software radio buttons
function radioDisplay (component) {
webdesign_Lessons = component.getValue();
webdesign.setChangeHandler (“radioDisplay”);

//Webdesign Level ComboBox
function comboDisplay (component) {
webdesign_Level = component.getSelectedItem().label;
webdesignLevel.setChangeHandler (“comboDisplay”);

function onReset() {
fname.text ="";
lname.text ="";
address1.text ="";
address2.text ="";
address3.text ="";
countyTown.text ="";
postcode.text ="";
email.text ="";
message_txt.text = “”;
response_txt.text ="";


var j;
for (j in myCheck) {

submit_btn.enabled = true;

function onSubmit() {

response_txt.text = “Submiting booking order, please wait…”;
//Creates new LoadVars instance for the booking data
formData = new LoadVars();
//Gather the booking information into a LoadVars intance
formData.fname = fname.getValue();
formData.lname = lname.getValue();
formData.address1 = address1.getValue();
formData.address2 = address2.getValue();
formData.address3 = address3.getValue();
formData.countyTown = countyTown.getValue();
formData.postcode = postcode.getValue();
formData.email = email.getValue();
formData.message_txt = message_txt.getValue();
formData.bookingFrom = From.getValue();
formData.bookingTill = Till.getValue();

formData.n_adults = adults.getSelectedItem().label;
formData.n_children = children.getSelectedItem().label;

formData.spanishLessons = spanish_lessons.getValue;
formData.spanishLevel = spanish_level.getSelectedItem().label;

formData.webdesign_p = webdesign.getValue;
formData.webdesignLevel = webdesign_Level.getSelectedItem().label;

formData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
response_txt.text = “Thank you, your booking request has been sent.”;
} else {
response_txt.text = “Your booking request could not be sent.”;

formData.sendAndLoad(“reservationsmail.asp”, formData, “POST”);
