I am new with flash mx (flsh generaly) and i was wondering if there is any flash mx actionscript dictionary that i could get to print and read in order to learn some things. Thanks
offcourse man, there is a full Flash HTML Manual didicated in ur software, goTo Help and then choose Using Help, or u would like to check the online dictionary, http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash
btw, there is an update on the web that will update (redundant) your help files for MX (this update has been out for quite some time, I mention it in case you never got it.)
Yeah i updated mine Inigo, hmm, it requires a regsitered version of flash, I noticed the E-Learning topic, but really dun have time reading!
You don’t have a registered version h88?
I do!
Ok, I wasn’t sure because your last post was a bit confusing.
I just wanted to inform that it requires a registered version of flash, not a trial, nor a patched!
BTW, has anyone purchased the new set of components? They are 99.00, but it includes some really useful ones like data grid, for example.
I downloaded Set no. 2, but Set no. 3 is just accompined with something Developer! Set. no. 2 is really cool, i dunno about set 3, did u purchase that set, can u provide us with examples?
ppl still purchase stuff?
*Originally posted by shagnscoob *
**ppl still purchase stuff? **
Umm yep, at least macromedia just want to get some cents :P, u know, there r many Piraced versions of flash, I really bet if most of the users will buy that development kit!
im too lazy to go outside of my room to buy stuff