Actionscript Dictionary

Ok I was thinking:

I believe my most daunting task for learning Flash will be action scripts. I have minor programming experience but I understand coding methods and the like.

So here’s an idea for a group project:

Lets take the Actionscript Dictionary and create a database of sorts of each element, or at least the most useful ones.

Each entry would contain the element’s use, where you’d most likely use it, and a snipet of code to give it some context.

If it worked out it would be a wonderful addition to the already great content at Kirupa.

To start we could continue this thread with posts formated as above. No need to go in alphabetical order, we could post elements we like to use of find most useful.

My ultimate goal is to get a better idea of how to format each element so trouble shooting can focus on coding issues not grammer.

thats pretty much what macromedias actionscript dictionary attempts to do

outside of that you have tutorials and other articles written which describes the use of different methods (and techniques using those methods) many of which you can find right here at .

Yes, i agree with senocular.
The ActionScript Dictionary covers most methods of AS with examples, and the ones missing you can always run a search here.

(Cue Incredable Hulk End Theme)
(Cut to long road, Actionscript Dictionary under right arm)

(Do do doo doo. Do doo do do)

Just an idea… I’ll continue on this long dark road into oblivion…

((Louder) Do do doo doo. Do doo do do)

Maybe just a thread of most useful scripts. With the Dictionary you need to know what you are looking for.

(Fade to credits…)

Looking isnt hard :wink:

With the setup of the dictionary, you just look under the object you think you’ll find your answer. For example, if you want to know how to change the arrangement or overlapping of movieclips, you just look under M for MovieClip and quickly browse through what seems like might be a method for changing that.

and if you ever get completely stumped, thats what this forum is for :wink: If a search doesn’t bring up a post of your question answered, then ask it and someone will get back to you =)

I think that I made a post about an alternative to the a/s dictionary which was quite good. You might try doing a search for that as well.

I think a good xml driven flash display dictionary database is a good poject to do, even if there are others out there.

do you know how to write XML?

Me, XML? no.

I’m a sorry soul. When I say I’m learning flash, it’s one of the first things I’m teaching myself.

Sorry for the tone up there guys. Daunting tasks don’t lead to smile. :wink:

Sen: Thanks for the quick idea on the dictionary. That method makes sense. Thanks holmes