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I need to know if any knows of any tutorial about using Flash MX and Swift 3d v3 if so please email me @ bgondron@hot.rr.com
M C and H N Y<:}
(-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-:
I need to know if any knows of any tutorial about using Flash MX and Swift 3d v3 if so please email me @ bgondron@hot.rr.com
M C and H N Y<:}
You need a swift3d v3 ?
He didn’t asked that…
FlashMadness, why don’t you check the tutorials here. The are not for V3 but for V2, but it should be about the same…
theres are lots of new features that are new to v3, so if he’s asking for a tutorial about one of those new features, im not sure if those for v2 would still work for him=)
FlashMadness: what exactly are you looking for? a tutorial for exporting into flash mx??
Hmm, your right about that ahmed, but he could learn the basics with the kirupa tutorials…
At least I think…
yep… i agree with you… but he didnt quite explain what exactly does he need a tutorial on =)
But we know at least that vendi wants to sell his swift…
In 4 threads…
Here are some results!!!:beam:
That’s very nice. Did you figured it out yourselve?
Looks very good. I like the first pic most :cowboy:
As a matter of fact I did, but with a little help from another user can’t remeber his username at the moment, but I will update you on who it is I think he has his own website.
Here are other examples: (The 1st 2 were made with Swift alone and the last one with Flash MX and Swift)
AH HA! I found out who it is it is davyace and his website is here:
check it out
Pretty cool site!!
BTW: I have to buy V3. Still working on V2
the best place at this point for v3 tuts and stuff is the erain website www.erain.com
There is a swift book in the works friends of ed
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**There is a swift book in the works friends of ed **
yep… the book is written by Kris Honeycutt <- lead author (aka Savant ), along with many well-known co-authers like [url=www.popedeflash.com/]Pope de Flash…
this is one of the models that the book teaches how to create with swift
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