Flash Mx Flyout Menu Trouble

Great Board - Excellent Topics. You folks are brilliant creative minds.

Thank you ALL in advance for your help. :slight_smile:

I’m new to FLASH MX and I’m having a bit of trouble (go figure).

I’ve been following this tutorial …


It is the closest one I could find for the effect I want to create. It is for Flash 5 and I’m not certain how much of a difference there is between 5 and MX.

Everything works out just fine until I get to the actionscript for the Main Menu rollover …

Main Menu Actionscript as stated in the tutorial

on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (“over”);

RETURNS THIS ERROR when I check the script:

Symbol=MasterMenu_MC, Layer=MasterMenu, Frame=1: Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (rollOver) {

End result … the rollover does not work at all when testing.

I created my text - then converted it to a button and then converted it to a movie as instructed.

Normal Mode or Expert Mode … both return the same results. What does this mean and how do I overcome the issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again. :*(