Flash Mx Flyout Menu Trouble

Great Board - Excellent Topics. You folks are brilliant creative minds.

Thank you ALL in advance for your help. :slight_smile:

I’m new to FLASH MX and I’m having a bit of trouble (go figure).

I’ve been following this tutorial …


It is the closest one I could find for the effect I want to create. It is for Flash 5 and I’m not certain how much of a difference there is between 5 and MX.

Everything works out just fine until I get to the actionscript for the Main Menu rollover …

Main Menu Actionscript as stated in the tutorial

on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (“over”);

RETURNS THIS ERROR when I check the script:

Symbol=MasterMenu_MC, Layer=MasterMenu, Frame=1: Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
on (rollOver) {

End result … the rollover does not work at all when testing.

I created my text - then converted it to a button and then converted it to a movie as instructed.

Normal Mode or Expert Mode … both return the same results. What does this mean and how do I overcome the issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again. :*(

It sounds like your adding those actions to the Movie Clip instead of the Button.

Copy and Paste that script into the “Menu” Button’s Actions.

You have to put that code on a button. If you want to put it on the main MC, give it an instance name and add these actions:

INSTANCENAME.onRollOver = function {
_root.gotoAndPlay ("over");

ok … cool. I’ll give these a try. thank you for the swift responses.

The first suggestion didn’t work out …

ummm … how do you name an instance?