Okay, so basically I was creating a game. Within this game, the player has a sword and can swing it. I added the frames to the movie Clip and named the frames for easier programming. I don’t want the player to be able to move while he/she is swinging the sword. Everything works fine, but when you hold down the key for swinging the weapon and hold down a turning key the game seems to stop on the frame for the beginning of the attack. I tried just releasing the keys, but it still didn’t leave the frame. It was almost as if I had put .gotoAndStop() in my code instead of .gotoAndPlay(). I remade the program with just movement and attacking. It still does the same thing. I have the program attached for downloading, so you can see how the movie clip is set up.
I also know it “works”, but that small error is really annoying and wouldn’t be fun for game play.
Thanks for the help. This is my first question and I’m sorry if I didn’t explain the problem well enough.