Flash MX soundobject help

Hi folks,

I need a bit of help here - I’ve followed Kirupa’s tutorial at http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/sound.htm, and have attached this piece of code to my start button as it says:

on (release) {
kirupaSound = new Sound(this);
kirupaSound.start(0, 99);

Everything seems fine and dandy. and my sound loop starts playing. Just one question though - what actionscript do you use to turn the sound off?!

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and would perhaps delay the onset of a nervous breakdown! :crazy:



did you try:


I did, but it generated this error message:

Scene=Scene 1, Layer=stop, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler

As you’ve probably guessed, I’m extremely new to Actionscripting within Flash. All I want to do is start and stop a piece of music that I’ve written within my webpage - it starts okay, but it’s stopping it that’s been the problem! :frowning:

Have a look at the page here - www.fletchermunsoneffect.co.uk/indexone.htm and you’ll see what I’m trying to do. The page isn’t completely finished - the rollovers and links don’t work yet, but you’ll get the basic idea.

Also, if you press play again, the music starts looping again over the original loop. How can I prevent this?

Thanks for your help,


Scene=Scene 1, Layer=stop, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler

Well your adding the code to your button without an ‘on’ handler:

Play Button Actions:

on (release) {
kirupaSound = new Sound(this);
kirupaSound.start(0, 99);

Stop Button Actions:k

on (release) {

Here is a solution that would use ONE Button to play, and stop the sound…

kirupaSound = new Sound(this);
myButton.onPress = function() {//Change myButton to your button’s instance name
kirupaSound.start(0, 99);
if (x>1) {
delete x;

Untested, because I have no flash on this pc, tell me how it goes. Please attach this code in your Frame Actions…

h88, you’re a star.

I attached the code to the stop button and everything works fine. Thanks a million.

One more question and I promise I’ll leave you alone! :smirk:

How would I prevent the sound starting again if the play button is pressed a second time before the stop button? Any ideas?

Thanks again,


Hey, didn’t I answer your question in the above post…?

Anyways, you might want to use two buttons instead tho, if so, try:

kirupaSound = new Sound(this);
PlayButton.onPress = function() {
kirupaSound.start(0, 99);
if (x>1) {
this.enabled = false
_root.StopButton.enabled = true;
StopButton.onPress = function() {
if (x>1) {
this.enabled = false
_root.PlayButton.enabled = true;

Oops! Sorry about that - it’s been a long day!

I’ve sorted it now thanks to you and also the Flash 5 tutorials on the ultrashock site (www.ultrashock.com).

Cheers again,
