Flash MX trial expired -

Trial expired -

I installed Flash Mx and simply forgot I had this trial ; I backed the calendar to see a date on previous year what caused Flash Trial to expire before the time; I tried to uninstall and reinstall it but it does not work ;
I suppose somewhere on windows Regedit.exe is the expiring information but don´t have any idea.
Does somebody know how I could overcome this problem ?
(any intelligent solution that does not mean Windows reinstallation)

Thank you



Hey MMKT How are you? I have yet to get ICQ to work on my computer. Every time I try to start it up it shuts down. I have given up trying. You can try to uninstall it the Flash Trial, and then reinstall it. I am not sure.

Oh, and I plan on reformatting my HD in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I will be able to get ICQ to work then. Also, I sent you a PM :slight_smile:

This is where you BUY the program. If you’re in school you can get an educational version at a discount. Also check resellers aside from Macromedia where you may find the program at a discounted price.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**This is where you BUY the program. If you’re in school you can get an educational version at a discount. Also check resellers aside from Macromedia where you may find the program at a discounted price. **

Yep, thats the point of a trial. To try it out in the limited amount of time, and if you like it… buy it. Breaking that trial agreement is illegal… and kirupaforum is not about illegal activity :evil:

Be nice to him.:angry: What he did was install it and never used it. Forgot about it and tried to open it one day and the trial expired. He never used it. Honest mistake I feel…

I did the same thing with Flash 5 :stuck_out_tongue: which is why I have never used Flash 5, because I forgot I downloaded the trial for it (sounds odd I know… but I was an idiot) and I only opened it once that day I downloaded it. I did a tween… ooooohhh aahhhhh.

Then it expired because I forgot about it and I never used it again.

Moral of my story: It happens :-\ Still no reason to “crack” Macromedias software because of it (yes editing registry settings to get the trial to not count is cracking as if you can do it once, you can do it repeatedly hence you have free software).

I feel for him too, I really do because I know what its like, but nothing can be done. Unless maybe he contacts macromedia about it :-\

yeh i did that with flash 5 to opened it after i got the trial tried to have a good go at it and thought bugger this i cant be arsed its well to hard then left it opened it again got the old “Trial expired please register your product” luckily flash mx had just come out so i got a download of that found it alot easier so bought it off ebay for a bit cheaper than usual

Same happened to me, I forgot I had Flash MX trial, never opened it and it expired.

If you have easy access to another PC, you can download the trial again.

Or…if you are really keen, buy it! If you are a student you will get a nice discount if you have your student license, $99 isn’t half bad for a copy.