Flash mx

To all:

What should I do to make sure that my PROCEED movie clip in my game will only appear after I have finished clearing 1 level of the game and I can then click on it to move on to the next level?

Can you please show me how to do it?My game file is attached below.

Thank you.

Crossposting is NO, No… :evil:

Hi,what you said is also true.

Anyway can I have your email address so I can attach my game file to you again to let you see what mistakes I have exactly made? I have converted the PROCEED into a movie clip and the _visible property to false and it still does not work.

Somehow the game file is too big so I am not able to attach it to you again. I hope that you can give me your email address and I will email to you the file that I have edited. I really appreciates that you can at least let me know what mistakes I have made so I can edit it myself.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you.