Flash newbie - movie restart urgent problem


I’m hoping that one of you will be able to help me with this…

I am creating an online booklet with page turns written in actionscript on the timeline.

All I want to do is put a ‘back’ button at the end, so that the movie restarts from the beginning again (goes back to the front cover)

I’ve got buttons which link to a different website and an email address, but I can’t seem to get one to restart the movie.

I’ve tried putting the code on the button and on the timeline after the page turning code, eg.

on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);

on (release) {
reloadMovie ();

Backtocover.onPress = function() {

Nothing is working - am I missing something really simple ??

This is getting pretty urgent now - need it working by the end of tomorrow, please help!



yourButton.onRelease = function() {

If it still won’t work, you should post your FLA and scream HELP!
(but the above should work)

Can I just say - I love you and want to have your babies :hugegrin:

Thank you so much for your help.


You can – score one for Hasselhoff.