Flash News Ticker

Hi Guys!

I just want to share with you my simple flash news ticker. I’m a noob and forever will be a noob in flash but since I have searched for asked for numerous help regarding news tickers, I came up with my own version. this is written in AS 1.0. It has helped me and my team to be updated to what’s currently happening to our whole network, any updates that we might want our colleagues to know, they all refer to this ticker.

This ticker gets its data (the info that scrolls) from a .txt file. While the ticker is running, you can edit the text file with your message and just save it and the news ticker gets updated as well.

Notes: in the “ticker.txt” file, please do not erase the long “_________” lines after the “loader=” because it determines how long the pause before your actual message is displayed in the ticker. OR you can also delete some or add some depending on the speed of how the message is displayed. You can try experimenting with the FPS as well.

By the way, I put this file into a folder and share it over the network and gave everyone else read permissions only so that im the only one who can modify the “ticker.txt” file and edit the FLA for further adjustments.

Download: http://geocities.com/dnaredalpha/ticker.zip
