I’ve tried to make a smooth but fast flash of light across an object in flash and it’s either too slow to too jumpy. Is there a way to compromise so it is both smooth and fast?
Thanks in advance.
What framerate are you using?
No ideas?
Can you upload your file?
I deleted it actually, because it turned out so bad. I can make another one though, if you’d like…
If you could it would give me an example so that I can get exactly whatit is you’re saying.
Okay, it’s coming…
Here’s one. I want it to be smoother than that, though…
ok…that little white thing is like a light source going across?..is that the effect you’re going for?
Yeah, like a reflection of light. I just can’t figure out how to make it smooth and fast…
hhhmmmm…I have no real suggestions for you outside of messing around with it until you come up with something you like…sorry, never had to do anything like that…it’s gotta be a matter of trial and error…good luck with it though!