Hey everyone I have a question that I hope I can explain properly. I am fairly new to flash so the simplest answer would be much appreciated. Heres the deal:
When I build Flash sites I make a main page that has an empty interface with buttons. I assign actions to the buttons to load the movies into the interface. I am having no problems doing that but I dont want all my flash pages to only have an introduction to each page. How would I have a movie load on the HOME page for example and hold until the viewer clicks any of the other buttons. Then HOME page plays an outro then the next page selected loads.
If the above is confusing you: say the HOME page fades in when it loads. The user clicks the ABOUT button I want the HOME page to fade out and the ABOUT page fade in. When the viewer clicks CONTACT the ABOUT page fades out and the CONTACT page fades in.
Thanx for your help…I can post an example if this makes no sense whatsoever…
What you can do is on the click of the button, tell the computer to load the new movie into an invisible placeholder. Then play a fade out of the current movie before moving the loaded one onto the main screen and playing that.