Flash, PHP and mod_rewrite problem

I am currently refitting my site to produce friendly URLS, and am running in to a problem with some flash movies on my site which use load variables to show different information.

My understanding is that load variables has to use a path that is relative to the php file supplying the data, lets say my page is country.php and the variables being called by the swf (relative to country.php) are here: …/func/flash/data.php

The problem is that when I use mod_rewrite, I am creating directories which don’t exist - so country.php?country=Spain is now country/spain/ and my flash movie doesn’t know where to look for the variables anymore.

Is there any way in which absolute URL’s can be used for the data source?

so my load variables url would be http://www.mysite.com/func/flash/data.php instead of duplicating my flash movie and creating individual paths?

Any ideas appreciated.
