Folks, I need some input please…
I’m planning on finally opening Flash up again and start a bigger project:
A messageboard with a Flash frontend and PHP/mysql backend.
You can check an existing board here:
from a good friend, I can use all existing features here, like image upload, smilies, avatars, whatever…
Another very complete forum can be seen here:
by clicking on the “dynamic” menu item (1st), and then selecting the “pro” version/preview
So what I’d like to know from you, my dear friends and kirupians, is: on a scale from 1(not important) to 5(very important),
which would be the top 10 features you’d expect to find in a messageboard, the ones you really use all the time/ can’t image KF without?!
(examples: attachments/images; private messaging; user profiles; etc etc…)
Thanks to everyone who answers. It’s s’posed to be done open-source anyway, if it ever gets done, so if you want to participate (graphical designers needed!) get in touch!)
cheers, joe