A forum with a Flash Front

Has anyone checked this out ? I think I got the link in here awhile back off of someones post - but have seen no discussion about it

It’s Beta - a bit buggy and unfinished but interesting that it is being done and if it can be customized all the better …

>>>Check it Here<<<

the Info/main page is >>HERE<< where some info on it can be gleened … a few dead links tho…

yeah i saw that a while back… not really sure if it’s a greay idea making a forum with a flash front end though :slight_smile:

it sure is cool btw… just not really efficient me thinks

The interface module is the only thing flash , backend is mySQL and PHP…

…but it may be stuck-in-Beta ((;))) for awhile to shake out the kinks

if it’s cheap enough and comes with the .fla I can allready think of a lot of changes

there is a better one at www.phpforflash.com theirs is amazing…

The last forum is really awesome. I would really be interested in how much traffic it needs.
Php is really powerfull, especially when you combine it with Flash it should be really great…

wow… never seen phpforflash’s boards before… but wow those are awesome :beam:

yeah PHP for Flash’s forum is amazing. Its just like a vBulletin or phpBB… I like it. :slight_smile:

well it certainly works better than that other (flashForums)
…& they made it resemble a reg. forum layout - very, very nice