Flash/PHP Email: Undefined

Hello, I am using Flash and php to make an email form. Right now I am testing out the code. The messages send to my email, however, when they get to my email, it says “undefined.”

FROM: [COLOR=#0066cc]undefined@p3nlhg140.shr.prod.phx3.secureserver.net[/COLOR]
name: undefined
email: undefined
phone: undefined
message: undefined

What does udefined mean? Can someone help me out here, please?

PHP CODE: (her’s the information in my php file)

$to = “ne@mycreditrevival.com”;
$subject = ‘contact’;
$email = $_POST[email];
$msg = "name: $_POST[name]
$msg .= "email: $_POST[email]
$msg .= "phone: $_POST[phone]
$msg .= "message: $_POST[message]
mail($to, $subject, $msg, “From: <$email>”);

Thank you in advance for your help.